Friday, October 12, 2007

Sustainable Urbanisation

Urban centres are drivers of economic growth. Normal principles of economics apply here and due to economies of scale, because of larger population, synergies take place. In hunger of self interest, and if system fails to optimise benefits vis-a-vis cost, the cities become hell rather than heaven. Sustainable development of city is based on three major performance indictors:

1. Economic Performance
2. Social Performance
3. Environmental Performance

In race of increasing economic performance, the other indicators are sacrificed. Therefore, the system should be so designed that, the ven diagram of these three indicators give the larger pie. To better, the economic actvities, we require infrastructure, industry, commerce, trade and skilled people. The populace with peace, harmony, safety, facilities (and opportunities) for self development, health & education, entertainment and so on and so forth. But not at cost of environmental damage, taking climate change & global warming into consideration. The process of optimisation is not easy, as diverse interest group are to be handled. But not impossble, if the leader are visionery, impartial, good administrators having democratic style of functioning, equity and rendering justice in their heart.

This blog wanted to develop indicators to measure performance under give three class, and I welcome your suggestions.

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